100 No-Equipment Workouts Vol. 2: Easy to Follow Home Workout Routines with Visual Guides for All Fi

100 No-Equipment Workouts Vol. 2: Easy to Follow Home Workout Routines with Visual Guides for All Fi

Matematika Tolong jawab nomer 2, luasnya aja ya!, kelilingnya aqu udah tau​

Tolong jawab nomer 2, luasnya aja ya!, kelilingnya aqu udah tau​

[tex]\huge\tt{ \orange J \green a \red w \purple a \blue b \pink a \green n \blue :}[/tex]

[tex]\tt{Luas : \frac{a \: \times \: t}{2} + \frac{a \: \times \: t}{2} } \\ \\ \\ \tt{Luas : \frac{16 \: cm \: \times \: 8 \: cm}{2} + \frac{12 \: cm \: \times \: 8 \: cm}{2} } \\ \\ \\ \tt{Luas : \frac{128}{2} \: + \frac{96}{2} } \\ \\ \\ \tt{Luas : 64 \: cm {}^{2} + 48 \: cm {}^{2} } \\ \\ \\ {{\colorbox{red} {{Luas → 112 cm²}}}}[/tex]


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[tex] \huge\tt{ - \red N \orange a \green d \blue y \pink a \purple }[/tex]
