100 No-Equipment Workouts Vol. 2: Easy to Follow Home Workout Routines with Visual Guides for All Fi

100 No-Equipment Workouts Vol. 2: Easy to Follow Home Workout Routines with Visual Guides for All Fi

Matematika note : pakai caranya​

note : pakai caranya​


L belah ketupat : 1/2 × diagonal × diagonal

L : 1/2 × 32 × 38

L : 16 × 38

L : 608 cm²

Jadi, luas bangun pada gambar adalah 608 cm²


[tex]L = \frac{d1 \times d2}{2} \\ \\ L = \frac{38 \times 32}{2} \\ \\ L = 38 \times 16 \: \\ L = 608 \: {cm}^{2} [/tex]


