100 No-Equipment Workouts Vol. 2: Easy to Follow Home Workout Routines with Visual Guides for All Fi

100 No-Equipment Workouts Vol. 2: Easy to Follow Home Workout Routines with Visual Guides for All Fi

Matematika hasil dari 2 1/tigax5/14 adalah

hasil dari 2 1/tigax5/14 adalah

[tex]2 \frac{1}{3} \times \frac{5}{14} \\ \\ = \frac{7}{3} \times \frac{5}{14} \\ \\ = \frac{1}{3 } \times \frac{5}{7} \\ \\ = \frac{5}{21} [/tex]

[tex]{ \boxed{ \boxed{ \bold{ \huge{ \mathfrak{ \red{m}{ \orange{a}{ \green{g}{ \blue{h}{ \purple{f}{ \red{i}{ \orange{24}}}}}}}}}}}}}[/tex]

2 1/3 × 5/14

= 7/3 × 5/14

= (7.5)/(3.14)

= 35/42

= 5/6
